Small Cozy House

Category Houses And Shops
Theme Medieval
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Xavier_Sin
Posted on January 20th, 2014 09:45 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 15462 times


Hey there,

I have another medieval house here this time I furnished it a little (Hope its ok) this one is a little smaller but serves its purpose (I hope) still practicing my building & feel a little more satisfied with this one & hope every one likes it :).
If you like it or have any tips please leave a comment bellow & also please if you want to use this on your maps let me know :).

Texture pack used: John Smith Legacy

Other Creations From Xavier_Sin

Medium Barn
Medieval House Small
Small Cabin

Comments (15)

what do you need to build this?

  by iami3226
on October 22nd, 2021 10:26 PM EST
Good build! Keep it up :)   by MarioRashi1
on April 13th, 2021 08:17 AM EST
Very nice build. Well decorated on the inside.   by benja854
on October 31st, 2020 03:55 PM EST
谢谢   by 2773675092
on February 2nd, 2020 11:27 PM EST
What am i supposed to do after i download it??
  by Storm_Chick
on July 3rd, 2016 11:28 PM EST

For those asking how to use the schematic.....I use Schematica mod myself. With that, you just drop the schematic in the schematics folder. When you open the folder in game it will give you a ghost image of the schematic that you can see in the world in 3D. You can move the image in any direction until you have it placed where you want it. The thing with schematica mod is that you must build the structure yourself block by block. It does include a complete block list of everything you will need. I prefer using this myself, over the different world edit mods. I just prefer actually building everything instead of doing a cheat magic appearing building. It's more of a challenge that way also as I always play in survival mode. I have used and built a few of the different builds listed on this site in my map called Beaverton. It includes a massive Medieval city that I have been working on for well over a year. Each building in it was built block by block and some of the buildings are from schematics I used from this site with the Schematica mod. As a foot note, I am downloading this schematic for inclusion in my city. It will fit in nicely with the others...Good job. I hope that in the near future the city will be finished enough for inclusion on this site but, be warned, when it is done. It will be a massive build as currently you can stand at one wall of it and not see the other side. Even when standing on a dirt tower into the clouds.
  by AngelODeath67
on July 24th, 2016 06:06 PM EST
cannot open   by poophead27
on March 9th, 2016 04:08 AM EST
I cant open it
  by Herbie6666
on December 29th, 2015 05:32 PM EST

  by MrMaze
on January 23rd, 2016 02:19 PM EST
I am playing on a mac and this download doesn't work, can someone fix it.   by iceninja2005
on December 14th, 2015 11:06 PM EST
Thats a Great Schematic i like it.   by Dean0162
on August 22nd, 2015 08:17 PM EST
This is totally amazing how you build it!   by JustAnotherPig
on May 31st, 2014 05:24 AM EST
Lot of thanks for this house. I put it on my Server. On the sign of the front stands your Name.

With best regards
  by Gartentrulla
on March 16th, 2014 04:12 AM EST
Very nice ! Remeber me of iEdgy:D   by Chunkie
on January 24th, 2014 03:52 PM EST
This one is better. may be one row of roof windows stone stairs. It's now very bulky/heavy.   by Kimskell
on January 20th, 2014 05:58 PM EST

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