A weather station that toggles the rain off when it starts to rain. It has a 300 block radius in which it will work (This can be increased in the command block inside).
Note-if it doesn't work when imported, the bud switch may need updating, delete the quartz block next to the block piston next to the dispenser and delete the stone block underneath the piston, then replace the quartz block.
This one is based off of the rain event, rather than the drop in light level. |
by Samsung74 on January 19th, 2014 07:58 AM EST Reply |
Why so complicated? On my map I put a control unit connected to a solar panel : /weather clear 24000 Pourquoi faire aussi compliqué ? Sur mes map je mets un bloc de commande relié avec un panneau solaire : /weather clear 24000 |
by Guadalia on January 19th, 2014 05:54 AM EST Reply |