Stargate Testworld

Category Miscellaneous
Theme Futurist
Size Small
Submitted by mlux
Posted on November 15th, 2023 07:10 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 337 times


A World with 4 Star Gates, just test it.
If you want to use the Star Gates in your world, you have to change the coordinates in the command blocks

Eine Welt mit 4 Star Gates, teste es einfach.
Wenn du die Star Gates in deiner Welt einsetzen möchten, musst du die Koordinaten in den Befehlsblöcken ändern
/tp @p -3436 91 635 90 ~
/tp @p -3436 91 635
the x y z coordinate to teleport to.
facing 90
0=South, 90=West, 180=North, 270=East.
head position ~
0=facing forward, 90 down, -90 up
ZIP-File 5,8 MByte

Minecraft 1.20.2 Java

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