Block Tower

Category Towers
Theme Modern
Size Large
File Format .litematic
Submitted by elaineandsparky
Posted on October 17th, 2023 12:38 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 164 times


I built this a few years in creative mode but never found a use for it. Hoping someone else can!

Large colourful build

Feel free to use it as you wish other than claiming it as your own.

No interior or doors, exterior only, allowing for you to get creative inside.

Litematica download
Link to world download:

Main Materials:
29,751 White Concrete
22,130 Quartz Stairs
Approx 12k Red and Orange Concrete
Approx 11k Lime Concrete
Approx 9k Yellow , Pink and Green Concrete
Approx 6.5k Light Blue, Cyan, Blue, Purple Concrete
Approx 4.5k Magenta Concrete
Approx 2-3k of each Glass Pane colour

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