4x4 Screen

Rated 2.3 from 5 votes
Category Redstone
Theme Modern
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by RedStop
Posted on December 4th, 2013 07:58 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 104 times


This is an amazing WORKING 4x4 screen!
You can program it to show what you want!!
There is 11 programmable slides!!!

---Please Note---
Because some pushed out pistons is broken when you paste a schematic, you will have to check if the piston isn't broken. (The piston is located at the back of the schematic, it is pushing a redstone block, just replace it with a normal piston, if it is broken.)

Each redstonelamp is wired to a set of pistons that pushes glass/stone:

--Stone = ON
--Glass = OFF

The screen's redstonelamps are numbered like this:


Each set of pistons has a color code. (Use it to determine the redstonelamp it is connected to) (It is the wool block):

*Light Blue-4
*Light Gray-9

It is for Minecraft 1.6.2

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