The Palace of Parliament Bucharest, Romania

Rated 4.2 from 27 votes
Category Castles
Theme Modern
Size Huge
File Format .schematic
Submitted by ronman101
Posted on March 25th, 2023 04:03 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 1868 times


Length 798 Width 584 Height 120 55923840 blocks Relative height to paste: 1 block


Ask yourself, what can you do with Google Maps and 5 years of your life? I know, get a life! It’s huge, it’s massive, and it’s finally done! Again, I can’t believe this took me 5 years to build (yes, I took some time off to create 5 additional builds posted in 2018 and 2019)! What I thought was a few days event turned into a nightmare. There were mass changes and redesigns, making it bigger and bigger, and too big.

Being this is the largest Palace ever built, I took it as a challenge to try and recreate it in Minecraft. First thing, you will need lots of horsepower to import this sucker! It took 2 hours to save from MCEdit (after a few lockups and reduction of blocks selected)! Completed built under Minecraft 1.12.2. I took the building back to its original design, eliminating the atrium on the backside. Due to its massive size, I was unable to extract the full outside areas. The inside is not to any specification. I designed it all myself. I would detail what I did, but there are parts of this building I have not been to in 3 years. Many elevators, underground parking garages, stairs, rooms, ballrooms, all with differences on every floor, including trying to design different floors in each room. I turned the atrium area into an art museum!

According to Wiki, The Palace of the Parliament, also known as the Republic's House or People's House/People's Palace, is the seat of the Parliament of Romania, located atop Dealul Spirii in Bucharest, the national capital. The building was designed and supervised by chief architect Anca Petrescu, with a team of approximately 700 architects, and constructed over a period of 13 years (1984–97)

Hopefully this will work for you and you’ll be able to enjoy this build!

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