
Category Towns
Theme Ancient
Size Large
File Format .litematic
Submitted by bigtree2x4
Posted on March 10th, 2023 01:44 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 120 times


Length 80 Width 28 Height 45 22020 blocks


in the bottom right cult leader room theres a tunnel leading to my other build arbonville(on my account) that is cut off because i wont have the same 2 builds in the same schematic so it just leads nowhere in this one. also the arbonville build gets in the way of the ramp leading up to the build so you will have to add that part yourself. also where the cult members commit suicide it doesnt reach the void so youll have to mine that far down yourself, there are tripwires that trigger command blocks to make the build better, they arent all in the schematica but you can add it yourself. the commands in them are

[command block 1 /effect give @p minecraft:nausea 10 255 false]

/playsound minecraft:entity.wither.spawn master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 0 1

tellraw @a {"text":"Herobrine joined the game","color":"yellow"}

this hatshepsut is based off the serious sam the first encounter level

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The Church of Sacred Blood
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