More better than v3!
I call this Castle182 version 4 and now includes even more additions and adjustments.
This was built this on the forward edge of a mountain top, so may work better if you find a similar setting. I am using Misa resource pack. i suggest using Misa or similar medieval or rustic resource pack.
This is almost completely furnished except for a few obscure attic and basement rooms which are littered with dirt and cob webs. There are dozens of rooms, some obscure that you many not stumble into at first.
Upon placement you will find yourself at the North East entrance gate. rotate and terraform as necessary to fit your location.
MC v1.18.2
I used Litematica to paste this on my friend's server and we played hide and seek. He found the secret room behind the bookshelf and I couldn't figure out where he was. It was so much fun. |
by Lightning_11 on July 24th, 2023 09:18 PM EST Reply |
Version 5 was just uploaded with even more places to get lost in the lower levels, along with a few other changes. Thanks for the comment. Makes it worthwhile when i find others enjoy it. |
by lordolaf on July 24th, 2023 11:10 PM EST Reply |
did you find the hidden room behind the bookcase in the library? not too hard to find with a pressure plate sitting there. then did you find the semi hidden passageway behind the hidden room? |
by lordolaf on January 18th, 2023 08:48 PM EST Reply |
a small mistake in the second room while going up the stairs of the large passage of the 1st floor a birch slab instead of a purple carpet |
by CreeperMachin on January 18th, 2023 02:25 PM EST Reply |
thank you for that observation. took me awhile to figure what you were talking about. because the only room in which i have purple carpet is the west wing 4th floor, lords chambers. the room you are referring to has magenta carpet. and the birch slab was supposed to represent a coffee table in front of the sofa. so it was intentional, but maybe not the best idea to do. But i bet there are mistakes somewhere, there usually is in a build this size and complexity (to me) . yeah, minecraft blocks leave a bit to be desired, I hope someday for furniture that looks a little more like furniture without too much detail. |
by lordolaf on January 18th, 2023 08:39 PM EST Reply |
but i found a mistake. i didnt intend to leave that much loot in the tack chest in the horse stable. |
by lordolaf on January 18th, 2023 08:53 PM EST Reply |
the room in question above is on the third floor south-east apartment of the main building |
by lordolaf on January 18th, 2023 09:20 PM EST Reply |
someone decided 5.0 was too high a vote so they scored it extra too to knock it down to 4.3. vote your own honest vote, not other's votes. and if you have your own schematics up here and want yours to be higher vote maybe you shouldnt be voting. |
by lordolaf on January 18th, 2023 11:00 AM EST Reply |