Medieval Towers

Category Towers
Theme Medieval
Size Large
File Format .schematic
Submitted by MrAlexander137
Posted on November 12th, 2013 04:52 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 996 times


12000 blocks


I'm back with this time another build but decided to make a Medieval Tower, I saw this on YouTube in an animation video and found a screen shot of the tower from about 2011, I straight away decided to make the tower so here it is, I have made what I could see and then guest or added what I thought was quite cool.

Enough of me rambling, Download, Like and check out my YouTube + Server (IP -

Other Creations From MrAlexander137

Mini-SG Arena
Medieval Store
Modern Holiday Mansion
Windmill 2

Comments (2)

This looks like the tower that collapsed in Endertroll. Or am I mistaken?   by GameBreaker
on November 13th, 2013 10:59 AM EST

Hey, thanks I checked out that video and it does seem to be that. Really love that video and the graphics in it, however this tower has a different layout inside and the roof, and windows are laid out differently. I removed one tower to make it different. Please vote and like.
  by MrAlexander137
on November 13th, 2013 05:36 PM EST

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