Sailor Moon yagades Zombie Village

Rated 4.0 from 3 votes
Category Towns
Theme Ancient
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by KrissieFox1
Posted on August 3rd, 2022 04:13 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 184 times


This is an old build based on some screens I had of a place called "Yagades" from the Sailor Moon SNES RPG game. Having never played the game, I didn't know anything about the town, but found it to look kind of run down so I went with an abandoned theme. I've added treasure chests around the old town, full of goodies and building supplies - but beware! All that shiny loot is guarded by lots of zombie spawners. ;)

You're free to use this as long as you give credit! It will probably be most useful for something like a post-apocalyptic adventure/survival world. :)

This was made for Minecraft Java Edition 1.12.2.

Other Creations From KrissieFox1

Space Needle (Super Blocky Edition)
Golden Sun Observatory
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