Left 4 Dead Sewers

Category Dungeons
Theme Modern
Size Large
File Format .schematic
Submitted by KrissieFox1
Posted on July 31st, 2022 04:46 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 472 times


A touch-up of another old build from a past server - my attempt at recreating the sewer tunnels from Left 4 Dead's Death Toll campaign in Minecraft. It took a while to clean this one up as it was built underground and was intertwined with several other builds. While doing so, I also added in treasure chests and zombie spawners so it can be played like a loot/adventure dungeon. The top of the schematic is flattened grass so you can either place it at the world's surface and decorate the sewer entrances yourself, or hide it underground and make your own access point. In the zip file, I've also included a schematic for all the named treasure items I made for the dungeon.

You can use this one for decorative purposes, but it may be more useful for using in an adventure map or putting into a survival world as a place to explore and collect loot. Any way you use it, I just ask that you give credit. :)

This is made for Mincraft Java Edition 1.12.2.

Other Creations From KrissieFox1

Blue Pokie-House
Fluffy Pink Sheep Science Lab
Sailor Moon Hotel
Sailor Moon yagades Zombie Village

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