Platinum Residential Tower (Partly furnished, with interior)

Category Towers
Theme Modern
Size Large
File Format .schem
Submitted by vapeclients
Posted on July 20th, 2022 03:43 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 1190 times


Platinum Residential Tower: A modern Simcity-inspired 33 story apartment tower, with a ridiculously tall antenna.

- The first 4 floors and a bit of the ground floor are furnished, ready for players to move in. The other floors have walls and lights only (Looks good at night) ,customize the rest of the interior to your liking!
- Water elevators
- The antenna is roughly 1/3 of the height of this building!... You might want to reduce its size to avoid the build limit, I personally like it like this. =)

Credit me if you'd like to use this in a public map!

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Comments (3)

только половина здания?   by kbalex
on July 22nd, 2022 08:34 AM EST

are you on 1.19? Also Try to relogin in your world to render all of it, if it still doesn't work let me know and Ill fix it
  by vapeclients
on July 22nd, 2022 11:09 AM EST

я на 1.18.1., повторно загружаю мир - не помогает, (помогло только - заново загрузить здание и заново установить его в мире - с ожиданием, то только с третий попытке!) - проблема в программой сборке майнкрафта! спасибо!
  by kbalex
on July 23rd, 2022 04:33 AM EST

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