I did a big castle based on the villages of the game but more advanced.
Two worlds are included to directly see the rendering in the game :
- "Big Castle", it's a flat world
- "MyWorld", one of my old maps to test the placement of the castle in a normal world.
You will probably need to prepare the terrain before importing the castle. Or you can also find a good place, make a first import to prepare the terrain more easily and import again the structure (don't forget to remove the entities before to avoid duplicate).
I tested this on an old map and I just needed to adjust the ground around the castle at the end when I finished to placing it.
I added severals schematics of buildings and decoratives structures so you can also create your own castle or village with them.
Includes ballista, catapult, battering ram, siege tower and more structures..
Severals screenshots of the structures are included in the zip file.
You can extract them to see them more easily.
Note :
- I placed some of the schematics in two or severals different directions in the case or McEdit does not change the direction of the wood or other block type.
- If you can not download the file on the site you will maybe need to activate the cookies.
Where is the material list if I let it build atomaticly I need all recourge in mi inv |
by Broken_computer on March 6th, 2023 04:45 PM EST Reply |
Hi, I just looked for the list of blocks of the entire castle and I think I’ve gathered them all. Grass Dirt Gravel Block of Emerald Block of Gold Cobblestone Cobblestone Slab Cobblestone Stairs Stone Slab Double Stone Slab Stone Bricks Stone Brick Slab Stone Brick Stairs Double Stone Brick Slab Oak Wood Oak Wood Planks Oak Wood Slab Oak Wood Stairs Spruce Wood Planks Spruce Wood Slab Spruce Wood Stairs Jungle Wood Planks Oak Leaves Glass Glass Pane Dispenser Piston Bed White Wool Yellow Wool Lime Wool Gray Wool Light Gray Wool Blue Wool Green Wool Red Wool Crafting Table Furnace Chest Cauldron Anvil Enchantment Table Bookshelf Wooden Door Iron Door Trapdoor Fence Gate Fence Iron Bars Cobblestone Wall Ladder Wall Sign Rail Farmland Hay Block Wheat Carrots Potatoes Pumpkin Cake Flower Poppy Flower Pot Torch Redstone Torch Stone Button Stone Pressure Plate Lever Redstone Wire Redstone Repeater Tripwire Hook Tripwire Snow Water Lava ItemFrame Painting |
by jojo2971 on March 15th, 2023 10:58 AM EST Reply |
does the "bigcastle.schematic" include the entire thing? the big village schematic makes it confusing. |
by Swiggo on July 24th, 2022 01:02 AM EST Reply |
Yes, the "bigcastle.schematic" also includes the village, it is exactly like in the second picture. Before making a castle I had built the village based on those existing in the game. I tried to imagine what a more evolved village on the game might look like, evolving to the castle. I kept the schematic file of the village at the same time to be able to reuse it without the castle. |
by jojo2971 on July 25th, 2022 10:40 AM EST Reply |
what's the texture pack used here? |
by majkmiszcz on April 20th, 2022 12:17 PM EST Reply |
I used the resource pack "Conquest" here to take the screenshots. |
by jojo2971 on April 22nd, 2022 08:40 PM EST Reply |