Goat Mob Statues

Category Miscellaneous
Theme Other
Size Small
Submitted by boscawinks
Posted on July 10th, 2021 07:59 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 463 times


I built two Goat Mob Statues at a 1 pixel : 2 blocks scale.
The mob texture is white-brownish which was hard to replicate. So I ended up making two variants of the statue. One with a white-gray gradient and one that is a little more cream colored. I hope you like one of them :)

You can find schematics for LiteMatica and WorldEdit as well as a world download with both statues in the download.
Feel free to download and use the statues however you like, but please give credit if you do :)

Check out my Mob Statue Collection for more builds like this!

Other Creations From boscawinks

Dalecarlian Horse / Dala Horse
Yin and Yang
Wandering Trader Mob Statue
Pillager Mob Statues

Comments (2)

Really good and looks great,however not a fan of using string and falling blocks and such for some of the parts,not really the easiest thing to do in survival mode..   by Awesomeduuu
on July 12th, 2021 01:13 PM EST

True, but it gives me more details in the texture. So it's a compromise
  by boscawinks
on October 27th, 2021 06:36 AM EST

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