Category | Arenas |
Theme | Other |
Size | Medium |
File Format | .schematic |
Submitted by | BigBellyBuddah |
Posted on | October 9th, 2013 12:52 PM EST |
Download(s) | Has been downloaded 2167 times |
A small desert themed colosseum arena.
Co builder: Caindealer
verry nice well done. can i use this for on the server ? i hope the people love this in the way i love it. well done |
by LordSenior on August 6th, 2015 06:39 PM EST Reply |
Of course you may use it. I'm glad you like it. =) |
by BigBellyBuddah on August 7th, 2015 09:47 AM EST Reply |
nice, compatible with mobarena :P I LIKE i play with this config: classes: Knight: items: diamond_sword 34:10;16:10;17:5;18:5, potion:8233:5, potion:8225:10, hay_block:9 armor: iron_boots 34:3, iron_leggings 34:3, iron_chestplate 34:3, iron_helmet 34:3 Crusader: items: iron_sword, golden_apple:1:3, potion:8259:3, potion:8225:10 armor: diamond_boots 34:3;7:6, diamond_leggings 34:3;7:6, diamond_chestplate 34:3;7:6, diamond_helmet 34:3;7:6 Archer: items: iron_axe 34:3;19:2, bow 34:5;51:1;50:1;49:2;48:10, potion:8258:5, potion:8229:15, arrow:256, tnt:64 armor: leather_boots 34:5;2:4;4:4, leather_leggings 34:5;4:4, leather_chestplate 34:5;4:4, leather_helmet 34:5;4:4 permissions: - magicspells.cast.* Saboteur: items: iron_sword 19:3, flint_and_steel 34:3, potion:8229:20, 30:64, tnt:1984 armor: chainmail_boots 34:3;3:4, chainmail_leggings 34:3;3:4, chainmail_chestplate 34:3;3:4, chainmail_helmet 34:3;3:4 Wizard: items: blaze_rod, nether_star, potion:16450:10, potion:16458:7, potion:16421:10, potion:8229:15, iron_block:25, pumpkin:5, fireball:1600 armor: gold_boots 34:10;1:10, gold_leggings 34:10;1:10, gold_chestplate 34:10;1:10, gold_helmet 34:10;1:10 permissions: - magicspells.cast.* DeathKnight: items: stone_sword 34:10;19:4;16:10;20:2, bow 34:10;50:1;48:5, potion:8225:10, arrow:128, hay_block:13 armor: chainmail_chestplate 0:8;34:10;7:20 helmet: skull_item:1:1 arenas: default: settings: world: world enabled: true protect: true entry-fee: '' clear-wave-before-next: false clear-boss-before-next: true clear-wave-before-boss: true lightning: true auto-equip-armor: true soft-restore: false soft-restore-drops: false require-empty-inv-join: false require-empty-inv-spec: false hellhounds: false pvp-enabled: false monster-infight: false allow-teleporting: false spectate-on-death: true auto-respawn: true share-items-in-arena: false min-players: 0 max-players: 8 max-join-distance: 0 first-wave-delay: 5 wave-interval: 10 final-wave: 50 monster-limit: 300 monster-exp: true keep-exp: true food-regen: true lock-food-level: true spout-class-select: false player-time-in-arena: world auto-ignite-tnt: false auto-start-timer: 0 auto-ready: false use-class-chests: false display-waves-as-level: false display-timer-as-level: false use-scoreboards: true waves: recurrent: upgrade: type: upgrade priority: 5 frequency: 12 wave: 22 upgrades: all: potion:8229:10 Archer: arrow:128, tnt:40 Saboteur: tnt:512 Magicien: fireball:512 Croiser: golden_apple:1:1 give-all-items: true def1: type: default growth: psycho priority: 1 frequency: 1 monsters: zombies: 40 skeletons: 10 spiders: 10 creepers: 15 baby_zombie: 5 spec1: type: special priority: 2 frequency: 4 monsters: powered-creepers: 10 zombie-pigmen: 30 silverfish: 30 blazes: 10 spec2: type: special priority: 3 frequency: 9 monsters: magmacube_huge: 5 baby_zombie: 10 silverfish: 20 witch: 15 single: swarm1: type: swarm wave: 6 monster: slime amount: high swarm2: type: swarm wave: 16 monster: slime amount: very_high swarm3: type: swarm wave: 26 monster: slime amount: psycho finalswarm: type: swarm wave: 49 monster: wither_skeleton amount: psycho boss0: type: boss wave: 5 monster: skeleton name: Bobi health: verylow abilities: arrow ability-announce: false ability-interval: 0.3 boss1: type: boss wave: 10 monster: witch name: Karaboss health: low abilities: pull-target, pull-distant ability-announce: false ability-interval: 7 boss2: type: boss wave: 15 monster: cave_spider name: Aracknea health: low boss3: type: boss wave: 20 monster: magmacube_huge name: Skorg health: medium abilities: fire-aura, fireballs ability-announce: false ability-interval: 0.5 reward: gold_ingot:1 boss4: type: boss wave: 30 monster: wither_skeleton name: Mortiss health: medium abilities: warp-to-player, throw-nearby ability-announce: false ability-interval: 4 reward: skull_item:1:1 boss5: type: boss wave: 40 monster: enderman name: Slender abilities: warp-to-player ability-announce: false ability-interval: 1 health: medium reward: diamond:3 boss6: type: boss wave: 50 monster: wither name: Bale health: veryhigh abilities: fireballs ability-announce: false ability-interval: 0.2 reward: nether_star:1 rewards: waves: after: '35': fireball:128, tnt:64 '40': bow 34:5;51:1;50:1;49:2;48:10 '45': chainmail_chestplate 0:8;34:10;7:20 '50': stone_sword 34:10;19:4;16:10;20:2 every: '5': iron_ingot:1, arrow:2 just epic :P |
by bibi on November 12th, 2013 05:51 PM EST Reply |
Might I sugjest trying this one aswell with mobarena as it was originally designed to work with that plugin: |
by BigBellyBuddah on November 16th, 2013 05:49 AM EST Reply |
Glad you like it. It was designed for fast paced close combat with the beacon set to speed boost. If you have any specs for something you'd like, let me know and I'll see what I can do. |
by BigBellyBuddah on October 19th, 2013 06:08 AM EST Reply |
Very nice a bit On the small side. I would have put this in the ancient section |
by oisin100 on October 19th, 2013 04:52 AM EST Reply |