Yacht 1, 2 and 3

Rated 2.9 from 20 votes
Category Boats
Theme Modern
Size Small
Submitted by xRedeyex
Posted on March 3rd, 2021 02:29 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 1350 times


Today i built 3 modern yachts in different sizes.
-the small one is 14 blocks long.
-the medium sized is 21 blocks long.
-the large on is 33 blocks long.

The all fit perfect to every modern house, thats built next to water or to show others your fancy lifestyle by owning your own yacht. The small one and the medium sized just have the open air atmosphere to chill, the large one has two layers inside to live aswell as the open air atmosphere. The inside of the large one has full interior.

Enjoy :)

By xRedeyex

Other Creations From xRedeyex

Harbour Crane
Pirate Ship 3
Pirate Ship 1
Small Sailing Boat

Comments (5)

This isn't even your building you took it from someone else and its not even a schematic.   by YoBoiAdel
on April 2nd, 2021 04:46 AM EST

Of course are they my own creation, why should i steal the creations of others without giving credits to them. U wont be able to finde the exact same boats anywhere in the Internet
  by xRedeyex
on April 2nd, 2021 12:14 PM EST
this isnt a schematic file? how do I change it to one   by alecmtn
on March 5th, 2021 03:54 PM EST

Its a world download. U can load the world and create your own schematic file there
  by xRedeyex
on March 6th, 2021 08:25 PM EST

Bruh imagine voting something down just cause your too stupid to be able to create a schematic file :/
  by Mishy2020
on March 27th, 2021 07:42 PM EST

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