Medieval House #3

Category Houses And Shops
Theme Medieval
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Chunkie
Posted on October 4th, 2013 04:14 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 1069 times


Length 32 Width 34 Height 15


Here it is ! I must think a lot to make this struktur :DD. You can also use this creation good for a server-spawn, shop or what ever. iEdgy

Other Creations From Chunkie

Super Mario 8-Bit Style [Standing]
Awesome Spawn - Ruins
Airship by iChunkLP *Reuploaded*
My Little Survival Adventure

Comments (6)

I can barely see the house behind all the lighteffects :P Nice build though!   by Kimskell
on January 7th, 2014 07:05 PM EST

Yeah i said to iEdgy that he shouldn't effect it that much but he said that he likes it the way it is:D
  by Chunkie
on January 23rd, 2014 01:12 PM EST

Well he already has the build... All your builds' SS have way too much lens filters and flares applied. How can we know if we like it if we can't see it? I'm sure you lose many DL's because of the inability to see, I know I've passed up some of your (what appears to be) awesome builds because I can't see them... Same goes with night time pictures. Sure, show one night view or one lens flare but the rest need to be a true depiction of what you are "selling." Just my opinion :) Nice builds tho... I think ;)
  by 3ProngGaming
on July 1st, 2014 06:40 PM EST

Jea u're right bro. i said the same to my friend but he was just like .. 'ahhh nevermind'

But i thank u for your opinion :)
  by Chunkie
on September 7th, 2014 12:57 PM EST
no ones rating this? dont woory I'll be back after i paste it and explore :)   by MerkonX
on October 14th, 2013 03:27 AM EST

  by Chunkie
on October 16th, 2013 01:19 PM EST

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