Automatic Sugar Canes Farm

Rated 4.0 from 4 votes
Category Gardens
Theme Modern
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Bwise2game
Posted on October 26th, 2020 11:11 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 887 times


Length 9 Width 9 Height 7 324 blocks Relative height to paste: -3 block


This is a sugar canes farm thad automatically makes sugar canes for you!

(Dig down 3 blocks and than paste the schematic for a better result)

Last photo is taken at the back. (to get there go to the middel block and dig down 3 blocks and than you will see the chest :)

To build you will need
- 5 Pistons
- 5 Redstone
- 2 Shulkerboxes (optionel)
- 5 Sand
- 5 Sugar cane
- 5 Wood trapdoor
- 20 Water (buckets of water)
- 300 Oak planks

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