Pixel Art of the Iron sword | Map + 2 schemes (Variations) + Bonus

Category Pixel Art
Theme Other
Size Small
Submitted by Fire__Faiter
Posted on August 30th, 2020 07:02 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 391 times


Pixel graphics of the iron sword. The map is accompanied by 3 schemes with different variations of the Sword (1. Sword looking to the left. 2. the sword looks to the right.) + Bonus (scheme), you can also see it on the map. Thank you for reading to the end, don't forget to rate my post!

Pixel graphics were made on version 1.12.2

Other Creations From Fire__Faiter

Guitar 1.16.4
Red headphones 1.16.4
Big mushrooms (10 Variations)
Big green mushrooms (10 Variations)

Comments (2)

Well-made pixel graphics, can I use it on my minecraft server?   by TerribleKnight
on August 30th, 2020 09:24 AM EST

Of Course: D
  by Fire__Faiter
on August 30th, 2020 09:25 AM EST

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