Jungle Temple

Category Temples
Theme Other
Size Large
File Format .schem
Submitted by anonbuddha
Posted on July 2nd, 2020 09:04 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 810 times


I took the default Jungle Temple and revamped it in the style of the temples found in Cambodia, such as Thommanon. The "secret" chest is still in the temple and is accessed using the same mechanism as the default temple. The entrance to the second level is activated by a lever you will find inside. Creation of the redstone for the door goes to Mumbo Jumbo. I have no redstone skills so I used a build from his channel.

The outside is NOT landscaped so do not dig out the stone. The chests do NOT have loot. I wasn't sure what to put in the chest. I will say the wither skulls point the way to it though. There is also a single spawner somewhere within its depths. The paste point is glass block in front.

Good luck and bring some torches!

Other Creations From anonbuddha

Default Nether Fortress Enclosed Bridge Intersection
Default Nether Fortress Corridor Fourway
Default Nether Fortress Bridge End
Default Nether Fortress Blaze Spawner

Comments (3)

I wish I could use this in 1.16.4 :(   by Fat_Cleetus
on January 17th, 2021 08:03 PM EST
Nice work dude   by elriti
on July 5th, 2020 09:31 PM EST

Thanks! I still think the top is a little under scale, but I was so tired of rebuilding it. That was like the third version! XD
  by anonbuddha
on July 6th, 2020 02:38 PM EST

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