Ocean Circle

Category Miscellaneous
Theme Other
Size Huge
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Corndog52
Posted on April 7th, 2020 11:54 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 204 times


Length 644 Width 644 Height 128


I decided to make a world save (and schematic) of an uninhabitable ocean for whatever purpose you decide to put forth for it. I noticed that there weren't many straight-up ocean maps, so I went ahead and made one in WorldPainter in like, 5 minutes. This map should literally support every version that the released game has to offer, since there's only dirt, bedrock, and water. If you choose to play in a version past 1.13, obviously, the world is a bit more habitable as you have a food source - the fish entity.

World Facts
- The water goes up to level 128
- There's a few blocks of dirt between the water and the bedrock at the bottom, meaning that players could break those and bridge out from the circle (unless you somehow fixed that yourself via mods, plugins, or setting the dirt to bedrock with WorldEdit)
- There's no raft or anywhere to properly spawn; you will spawn straight into the water
- This world is nowhere near survivable - there's no wood or even ores
- If you're using a version of Minecraft that supports the world having a border (not the block, but the blue diagonal line thingies), then I've placed a square border that goes right around the circle (where on the direct edges, it's about 3 blocks away from the circle)

Why does this world exist?
If you didn't read my entire first paragraph, then no worries - this world exists to be used and modified for mapmakers, server owners, and modpack makers.

World Download
If you want the world download (best for borders and proper paste scaling), check it out on CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/worlds/ocean-circle/files/2923578

If you want to use this map in your project, that's wonderful - you don't have to tell me or ask for permission, but I'd like to know just so I can check it out, because I'm a curious cat. But generally, no, I don't care what you do with this map.

Other Creations From Corndog52

Shulker Dungeon
Medieval Spruce Arena
Lord of the Rings Hobbit Hole
Fourth Iteration Menger Sponge

Comments (2)

what is the size of the circle?   by MultiLk
on February 13th, 2022 08:18 AM EST

sorry i didn't notice
  by MultiLk
on February 13th, 2022 08:19 AM EST

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