3x3 completely hidden piston door

Category Redstone
Theme Other
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by nielson_robyntje
Posted on September 8th, 2013 03:54 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 771 times


Length 8 Width 9 Height 9 249 blocks Relative height to paste: 2 blocks


This is a 3x3 door that you don't see when its close.
I work really hard to create this.
Hope you like it.
you need a block in the dropper!!!
without that the middle block doesn't retract!!

Other Creations From nielson_robyntje

hidden door
100% working elevator
9-buttons with light
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Comments (2)

It doesn't work...
the bottom section of redstone never powers. the part directly after the hopper.
why is there a hopper and despencer in it, anyway??
because the bit doesn't get power, the pistons don't fire properly and mess up the system.
  by GinoPuppy
on September 12th, 2013 09:03 PM EST

oh yeah
you must put a block in the hopper that's why he will not take the block in the middle
  by nielson_robyntje
on September 13th, 2013 10:22 AM EST

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