Huge lagoon [v.1.0]

Category Gardens
Theme Modern
Size Huge
File Format .schematic
Submitted by VocableCargo71
Posted on April 19th, 2019 04:13 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 2057 times


Relative height to paste: 22 blocks


Note: You can build all the things you want, this was just the basis for a construction you want to do ;)

How set in your world or server:
Step 1: Download a schematic.
Step 2: Put in "schematics" carpet
Step 3: Reload the plugin with "/we reload" or "/worldedit reload"
Step 4: Select a location.
Step 5: Use "/schem load lagoon" command in-game.
Step 6: Paste the tree with "//paste" command.
Step 7: Beware with the Lagoon, needs a considered space.

Be careful! Your server may fall because the Lagoon is very, very huge.

Other Creations From VocableCargo71

Big Tree [v.1.0]
Big Mountain [v.1.0]
Mountain with lagoon [v.1.0]

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