SCP Cell SCP-173

Category Miscellaneous
Theme Modern
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Ulysse94
Posted on January 24th, 2019 12:40 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 135 times


Length 36 Width 19 Height 16 11000 blocks Relative height to paste: 1 block


The cell of SCP-173. If you wan't 173, download a mod (3 mods available I think). If you have problem with the system, please change of version (1.11.2) ;)

Some words on SCPF :
SCPF is the foundation of Special Containment Procedures. This foundation "stores" (or contains if you wish) all the abnormalities (animals) in cells.These cells are placed in "area" or "site" each with its own SCP. SCP is classified into three parts: SAFE (such as SCP-999 or SCP-914), EUCLID (all those not yet diagnosed by scientists such as SCP-079), and KETER (those that are dangerous such as SCP-106).
You can search on your browser "SCP the game" or other.

Other Creations From Ulysse94

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SCP Corridor 1
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Comments (1)

What is written in the command blocks? (it doesnt show up for me)   by serrotonin
on May 6th, 2024 05:19 AM EST

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