Pinehold Castle 2.0

Category Castles
Theme Medieval
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Thaylar
Posted on November 23rd, 2018 10:49 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 14260 times


Length 101 Width 86 Height 82 Relative height to paste: 0 block


Made a few minor adjustments, like finishing a ceiling I missed in the courtyard kitchen.

Fully furnished castle on a hill, ready for your town to spring up around it.

Wanted to make more of a survival build castle than going full on creative monstrosity. First time I've ever tried to build a hill using brushes in world edit.

Castle may not actually be safe at night due to monster spawns. You'll have to figure that out.

Jorrvaskr-style hall with kitchen and storage beneath
Master bedroom in the upper keep
Kitchen with open patio seating
Guest bedroom tower
Small wheat field and some terraced gardens
Small stable
Castley-castle stuff like walls and towers
Portcullis (entry into the castle is behind you if looking at the portcullis through a somewhat hidden staircase and door)

Looks great in Conquest (most resource packs actually make the roof blue not the default "blue" that is purple.

Don't really care what you do with it so long as I am credited for the original build.

*Thaylar is not responsible if you burn the castle down killing your entire minecraftian family along with it. Either don't light or use: gamerule doFireTick false

The two large pine trees on the hill are from here:

Other Creations From Thaylar

Castle Froidinshire Preview 2
Cardinal Zombie Temple
Rustic Church
Rustic Short House 1

Comments (6)

Love it!   by MarioRashi1
on April 13th, 2021 08:24 AM EST
Very nice build, a few things did catch on fire though. The roof of middle building and a room in main tower. I did not catch it on time to find out from where; I just panicked and /extinguish. A little bit cramped but makes is seem cozy in a way.   by noggy7455
on July 7th, 2020 09:00 PM EST

Ah, yeah. I probably had firetick set to false in my world so I never realized it could catch on fire. If I remember to I'll try and update it with a campfire. Er...well. Actually schematica isn't a thing anymore so I guess I can't.
  by Thaylar
on July 7th, 2020 09:24 PM EST
Awesome!!...just the schematic....brilliant work....and no third party scam site!!....Well done mate!!
  by Proff_C
on October 24th, 2019 07:20 AM EST
Sorry to be a massive pain but can you send me the file for the world that this build is in because the .schematic file doesn't seem to work for litematica.
on September 22nd, 2019 12:57 AM EST
Hey! Diana here :)

that's an insane creation (love it!) would love to chat to you about 3D printing your Minecraft creations! would I be able to get your business/personal email?
  by WunderEngine
on August 20th, 2019 03:08 PM EST

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