Rated 3.9 from 5 votes
Category Pixel Art
Theme Modern
Size Huge
File Format .schematic
Submitted by MatthewStevenGo
Posted on December 16th, 2017 08:47 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 47 times


Length 150 Width 115 Height 22


Give a thumbs up!


1. In case you feel like you find one of my related schematics like this are boring, I HIGHLY suggest that you leave the rating alone (by not giving me cancerous stars, seriously) so as not to poke me into frustration, lest you are aimlessly downvoting my hard works, as doing so would make anyone think you may have low IQ and poor judgment.* **
2. Please pay extra attention to the category which defines this schematic, so as to prevent confusion.*
3. If you think you are an educated person, at least you know how to read?
4. Please, don't mistake this as a real product to buy! This is just Pixel Art!
5. Importantly, please observe the general rating ethics.*
6. Just quit spamming low ratings as these will be possibly looked at as spam and with suspicion.
7. Don't you guys disappoint me, as I will be looking at such 0 stars with HIGH levels of suspicion.
8. STRICTLY NO downvoting schematics for no logical reason whatsoever. Seriously, this is not cool and is disgraceful! >:(
9. I am going to keep an eagle-eye on votes whenever something suspicious on the rating will occur.
10. The reason why it is categorized "Modern" is that the one I have based from is real-life modern computers. (Just to let you know)
11. Be wary that I have an instinct of getting suspicious when it comes to ratings. As well, God will be watching you.

Long story short: The following disallowed ratings on this schematic are here:
= 2.5 stars
= 2.0 stars
= 1.5 stars
= 1.0 stars (most abused against the best schematics)
= 0.5 stars (most abused against the best schematics)
= 0.0 stars (most abused against the best schematics and, God forbid, the most cancerous and godforsaken of all ratings)

I hope you found my above advice helpful for you.

**This will be the stern warning for those who put my schematics to disrepair by aimless 0 star vote. If this is violated, then shame on those who unnecessarily put the schematics to ru

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