ice elevator for boat

Category Redstone
Theme Other
Size Medium
File Format .schematic
Submitted by onefairy38
Posted on August 31st, 2017 03:33 PM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 276 times


this is a system to go up on ice ways with boats. It's not expensive 7 redstone powder, 2 trip-wire, 1 string, 1 sticky piston, 8 building blocks, 4 glass panel and 1 packed ice per level.

c'est un système pour monter avec les bateaux sur les voies de glace. Il n'est pas très couteux 7 redstone, 2 crochet, 1 fil, 1 piston collant, 8 blocs de construction, 4 vitres et 1 glace compact par niveau

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