
Rated 5.0 from 2 votes
Category Redstone
Theme Other
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Triphius
Posted on April 11th, 2015 05:02 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 57 times


Relative height to paste: 0 block

Youtube Video


This is a ready made redstone fort with 12 arrow dispensers guarding the outside. All you have to do is walk in and pull the first lever to start the arrow firings. Using redstone dust, command blocks, chests and hoppers built in you can automatically refill all dispensers by going up to the second level and pulling the lever there.. The second level has 4 corners that players can stand at to guard from above. The 3rd level fence corners are removed to get to the second level quickly.

If you want this to be your home the 3rd level has a bed, 12 furnaces and 8 double chests. You can find places or remove stuff to add extra things like crafting and enchantment tables. Command blocks, hoppers and chests are all pretty well hidden, with the redstone dust hinting at where everything is. Some signs are there to guide you, but it's pretty simple to figure out without them. You don't have to fill the dispensers first, they are already filled, so right when you walk in you can begin defending the fort.

The youtube video shows it all.

Other Creations From Triphius

Triphius Home 1
Mining Safehouse

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