Infinite Piston Lift Control Module

Rated 3.1 from 4 votes
Category Redstone
Theme Other
Size Small
File Format .schematic
Submitted by Mikeoz28
Posted on March 3rd, 2015 12:25 AM EST
Download(s) Has been downloaded 71 times


Hi there Arthur here since last posting Slarti and I have been asked to put up or shutup by the White Mice. Now infinite may be stretching it but we quickly produced a wall 192 long and demanded an apology. The Vogon fleet were turned back I am glad to say.

The module we post now is critical and the basis of it all. It will raise and lower a stack of three pistons. Having tried various things found it was none too easy so we turned to the web. We found this which explains how to do same.

So you need an ABBA switch, a vertical one in this case and a falling edge trigger. Watch the video by Austin Sirkin he explains clearly why. Essentially pistons are not that sticky!

Next problem was getting a configuration that allows extension. That done we arrive a the solution which is that we can continue to add piston stacks forever. BTW I use gravel or sand to push up and down.

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